Monday, December 13, 2010

Hello! How's everyone today? I hate today :( Not because its a 13th or what but because its a rainy and wet day which totally ruined my plans! Initially, I planned to deliver the shirt to that boy. However, once I alight the bus, it started pouring(fml right). Then I didn't want to wet myself neither do I want my make up to dissolve in the rain. So I ditched the idea of delivering the shirt to him, I took the shirt with me to Town!

But Town's disappointing as well. Walked around the whole FEP lika idiot, alone, yet I found nothing(yes i love shopping alone, it makes me feel less stress).
Walked over to Tangs to find the girls and headed to Somerset(my favourite shopping spot!!!) F21, NEWLOOK, HULA&CO!!!!!!!!!!

Walked for 2 whole hours and only got myself a head accessories(which wenhui the angel said it looks nice but aly the bitch said its not). LOLOLOLOLLLLLL.

Headed back to Tangs and waited for them to knock off before heading to Kallang! Hehe had Nihon Mura for dinner and that's how my day ended.

Signing off with my tongue piercing! LOL and it spells doom because I'm working tomorrow! :(


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