Wednesday, January 19, 2011

just some rambling and rants.

Sometimes I feel so weird, so outta place, so empty, so different, so hollow...

I don't know what's up with me.. I do not want to talk about issues regarding you anymore in here, I'm just repeating myself again and again. I'm just causing misery and sorrows to myself.
What for?

I'm contented that I'm finally independent, being able to stand on my own feet, being able to earn my monthly expenses, being able without you..

No one can trust just how weak I was. I was really such a weakling in the past. I meet my boyfriend everyday. I see him everyday, I always think I can't live without him, that my days will be dark without him and all...
I belittled myself so much that I've been hiding my true, independent self.

Actually, everyone can be strong and independent. I'm not saying this just for fun, its for real - I underwent everything and I clearly know how it feels.

I was a cry baby, a clingy girlfriend, a worrying girl. I'm everything that describes the word - weak.

I was literally weak. Everyone consoled and persuaded me to give up and move on. Some even tried to prove my worthiness and my strength.

I was no longer that cries herself to sleep every night. I was no longer that girlfriend that gives a call to her boyfriend every half to one hour. I became independent and went with the flow.

I stood firm to the ground. My heart was broken but I'm still strong.

Everything I went through just made me tougher.

As cliche as it sounds - "what doesn't kill makes you stronger."


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