Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is for baby to read ^^

TP open house today! Had a visit over there.. I am interested in Psychology studies!
Met my Mr Zhang Chao at Tp with his friends there, had chicken chop yummy!
And went home soon.. Was drizzling and I really love it when baby, you carried my bag! Its like when I am primary 1, daddy always carry my bag for me. HEH

Now my little boy is having lotsa fun playing poker with his friends at his house, neglecting me again ):
But, he told me his plan for our future and I am really very excited for it! I know we can do it! HEHEHEH, maybe some other people may say that we're thinking too far.. But I don't think so, because time pass really fast and we have to plan everything well. Baby's plan made me feel so secure. HEHEHEE. He is responsible and girls love responsible guys. Yes ladies?

WILD WILD WET TOMORROW. I hope you can come pick me from school. Yes baby?

Give me some time, I will change my blogskin ASAP, I know this looks horrible! HAHHAHA.


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