Saturday, August 21, 2010

I can no longer tell whether this smile is genuine

All along, I knew I'm fighting against a losing battle.
I know, no matter how long I'd wait, or how much effort I ever put in showing you how much you meant to me, will never help.
I knew even if I gave up my world for you, nothing is gonna change. Everything is gonna stay stale. Its going to be like this, for the rest of our life - you're going to lead a life of your own, and so do I, unwillingly.

I love you so much my Babyboy. Not being able to see your face, and step into your life makes me even sadder.

Seeing everything you gave me, falling apart; breaks me even more. Perhaps this is an act of God, telling me how should I give up on you. And how meaningless this relationship shall stay.
We're just like the necklace that you gave it to me.
You're the diamond pendant - shining brightly and you're supposed to lit up the necklace to make it even more beautiful, more mesmerizing..
And me - the chain. I'm the chain and you're supposed to be hung on me. You're supposed to make this whole necklace perfect, make it shine.
But just like reality, you're there to make everything beautiful and perfect. Till one day, you decided to leave. To leave the chain, to make this term 'necklace' broken. It shouldn't be called a necklace anymore, since its only left with a chain.

Like I said, you're the diamond pendant and I'm the chain. Its totally meaningless for a person to wear just a chain without a pendant. Its totally ridiculous. It always takes 2 hands to clap. And it applies to our relationship as well.
I'm the chain, still hoping that the diamond pendant would be found one day. Though the possibility is very low, I'm still holding on to you, and wearing the chain. Its hung on my neck everyday, and I never ever allowed myself or anyone to take it off.
For I believe, one day... you'll just come to your senses and realize - I'm still here for you, and loving you.


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