Sunday, October 24, 2010


A promise is a declaration that something will or will not be done. A promise meant that a pact that should never be broken. A promise should be fulfilled by keeping words true to the heart. A promise is a task, a task that can only said to be accomplished when it is being carried out right from the beginning to the very end.

Personally, I have never been brave enough to make promises to people. I'm afraid of breaking promises, I'm afraid of not being able to express full assurance to the expectation. Likewise, I'm afraid of being disappointed, I never had the courage to accept promises from others.

However, things do change and I began to have faith in this fragile word, 'Promise' when I got to know a boy.

Dating back to more than a decade ago, I got to know a boy, he was called Sam. I knew him through the net, 'Friendster'. Sam was really a shy boy and we were close friends for a couple of months before he muster up the courage to pop the question to me on being his official girlfriend. Things between Sam and me were going slow and steady after being his girlfriend. Everything was right on track and we were both happy and contented with each other's companion. We would spend our days wrapped in each other's arms and of course mingling around with our friends.

I have never felt so complete whenever I'm with him. As cliche as it sounds, he seems to be the missing piece of my puzzle. He fills me up with love and happiness. He taught me how beautiful love could be seen as. Most important thing of all - he proved to me how a promise can be fulfilled.

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, we were already celebrating our fifth year anniversary of being together in a fine dining restaurant named 'Faith'. Together with a bouquet of roses in my favourite colour - yellow, which Sam ordered from the florist a week before the date. All I could think of was simply just both of us having a candle lit dinner, nothing else special.

To my surprise, after our meal, Sam came forward and knelled on one knee in front of me. He took out a heart shaped box from his pocket and opened it up and proposed "Would you marry me?" Without hesitation, I nodded lightly. He then carefully slid the diamond ring he bought into my left hand's forefinger.

We began our wedding preparations and the big day finally came! I was a nervous bride donned in white wedding gown in the wedding car. Sam came in the car as he knew I was nervous and afraid at the same time. Sam really knows me well. He reassured me on how he will stay faithful to me and not fall for any other. Actually all that he had assure me were not my fears as I know him well too. Right from the day I became his girlfriend, I knew he would not betray me and I have total thrust in him. Thus, I reassured him back that his worry was unduly.

Soon, all the guests arrived and my Dad walked in to the aisle with me and passed my hands to the arms of my husband-to-be - Sam. We made vows and exchanged rings. We are officially husband and wife. In the wedding car again, on the way home, I promised Sam that I would also stay faithful to him and not fall for another. I promised him that I would be a good wife and mother as we planned to have children in the future.

One year later, Sam's company have arranged him to go on business trip to close deals with the overseas customers. It was a one week trip to England. I sent Sam off to the Airport and headed home patiently for that one week to past. Time seems to be ticking away far slower than the time where Sam was with me.

Finally, one week without Sam had past! I rushed to the Airport and waited for Sam's flight to touch down. However, there were some complications with the flight that Sam was on. I got to know later that the flight had already met up with a collision with another plane. The blow was too hard for me to accept and I fainted right on the spot. I was taken to the hospital and when I was awoke, I could only think of Sam.

The police were still investigating and finding Sam's body on the wrecked plane. After hours of searching, they finally found my husband, Sam. But, what's left on his arm was a piece of note written on serviettes that say "Honey, you need to live on. Promise me, please."
I guess that note was written when Sam knew the condition of the plane he was on, yet he could not avoid the disaster.

I took the note, home with me and settled for Sam's burial. Few weeks later, I found out that I was pregnant with Sam's child. I was very frail as I still could not accept the blow that Sam had already left me for good.

Now all I could do was to live on with my life and deliver this child.

3 years later, our daughter was born and I named her after Sam's name. In this period of time, I did not try to commit suicide so it would end my pain. Instead, I carry on living my life and brought up our daughter also named Sam. I did not re-marry nor fall for another guy. I told myself, I promised Sam to live on well. He gave me the ring, and I gave him my word. From the wedding day, I promised I will stay faithful to him, only him. And I did.

If you were a Cambridge marker, how would you rate this essay over 30? Please leave a comment!


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