Saturday, November 13, 2010


O's are officially over and I can finally heave a big sign of relief! I love my life now, so much of freedom and carefree-ness(idk whether this word exist).
Yup, more or less contented with my life right now.

Should be entering in working life soon.

On a side note, today is Junior's 3rd birthday! Which marks this little sweetiepie's 3 years existence in this planet! He's happy and sang "Happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me.." during cake cutting just now!

And.... Like today's the 13th... Its me and him's 6 months of seperation. Its half a year already. I don't understand how did I manage to hang on so long even till now. I feel sad every now and then, mentioning his name everyday again and again. I don't know why.. I don't know why am I treating myself this way. I know there're better guys outside, much better than you. But I don't know why I'm just so stubborn and refuses to budge. I just wanna stay by your side, I don't even want to leave... I still love you, I really do.

Today's the 13th, tomorrow would be the 14th. If we ever managed to be together since the day we broke up, tomorrow we'd be celebrating our 21 months together. Its supposed to be this way, isn't it? I miss you, zhangchao.


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