Wednesday, February 17, 2010

14th Feb, Valentines' and CNY. Woah, a verhli BZ day for me ): Woke up verhli early and bai nian to my parents and grandparents ^^ HongBao collected and carried on visiting my maternal grandma! And came home to receive guests, my uncles, aunts and everyone from my Dad's side came over. And we played BANLUCK. I forgot if I did win or not because I was BZ spamming calls to wake baby up! And he came around 6, when he came, Ethan left lol! So he stayed around I forgot what time, 10-11? As I was holding him backk from him visiting his friends.

Hmmmm, a sneak preview of what I did for our First Year + Valentines'. Apart from this, I bought a couple jersey from Everlast for both of us. Which I passed him 2 weeks before the actual day, he didn't like it alot. But Im sure he liked the card I made!! Hard work lei.
Side track abit ah
Resminscing the past.. 1 year had just flew past like this. A tad too fast. But I'm glad that we're making much progress in our relationship, as my parents did not object to our relationship it made things turn out more smoothly for us. Whereby, they dote on you, disturbs you like how they normally did to me. I can see, our relationship is on the right track. With no obsacles infront of us.. You are my future...

Ohyes, Eve of CNY our family went Chinatown to walk around and enjoy the atmosphere! HAHHA, was damn damn damn crowded. And We didn't see the firecrackers burn, we only smelt the gun powder ):

Second day of CNY we went my Dad's cousin house for steamboat and left for other places which I had forgotten. Came home around 12plus or so.
Third day, Sun have not shine into my room's window I was awakened by my mum!!! Carried on visitings continuously like crazy!! This year was really rush as we had too many places to visit unlike last year which was much more relaxing. I still remembered on the second day of CNY's night I ate too much and had indigestion ): In conclusion, this year CNY was a tad too rush. Had to sleep late, wake up early and rush everywhere. Lucky, we had our F1 racer with us which was Daddy! Heh. I'm typing too much here in this space, guess I shall stop and study for the test tmrw. Loves.
Ohyes b4 I go,
I shall present this cute little pie. He's my cousin! Our age gap is like a solid of 15years man! Damnz, I shall admit I'm old ):
But this little cousin of mine here is really cute to the max as he is so chubbyz like a ball and fair!
He's so nice to cuddle, and I dared to carry him! He's only 3 month old! I pro or what? HAHHA.


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