Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My very first love story.

I understand some of the people I know have been asking me about how I know my current boyfriend, how we met etc..
Now I'm going to share it with you guys :D

I always hoped for a fairytale-like falling in love scenario. But everything just started off so cliched, like the usual.
Haha, read on to know about my very first love story.

I knew you on the net, 'Friendster'. You were a shy boy, but you wanted to know me more. I commented you on your profile, but you did not reply. You only sent me a message through friendster asking for my email. I gave it to you, we chatted on msn, then we exchanged number & started texting.We were close text-mates. We knew each other on around October 2008. But only had our very first meet up at Jan 24 2009 , it was a double date with my sister.

Then, if I'm not wrong our next outing was on Feb13 2009. You gave me roses, chocolates, necklace. I didn't manage to finish up your chocolates and I shared with my best friend. I really liked you, but you didn't seem to take any actions.. And I was worried its only a one-sided part of thingy yeah. I was worried you didn't feel the same for me.
A day after our outing, which was actual Valentines' Day you finally popped the question. Without hesitating, I agreed! We became couple since then, till now..

2 weeks after we got together, I gave you a peck on the cheek.
On our 1st month anniversary, I lost my first kiss to you at my block's lift lobby, hurriedly..
Back then, I really didn't know how to handle relationships as it was my very very first time stepping into a relationship.
I'm always scared of holding your hands, or giving you hugs. I'm shy, scared.

I really find it amazing. And I don't know if I did mention before that I actually knew my boyfriend and have seen him around very often around Tampines area since I was in secondary1. He was my best friend's crush. Then, thankfully we got together still. I love you baby. It seems weird to suddenly post up about my love story.
But, I never had a chance to really tell anyone about this.


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