Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A sinner

Emotionally unstable.
Again, repeatedly you made me upset.. You disappointed me countless of times.

I believe, one with strong emotions could write and express their feelings well.
Here, I will express my emotions fully, right here, right now. If you detest me, please go ahead and laugh, feel happy about what I'm going through now.

Sadness, agony. Is this all you can give me? After countless of waiting, countless of empty promises and countless of heartbreaking. Is these all you can give? Is this what you should give at the first place. Yes, we act like we're very loving. In fact, the truth lies beneath it! We've got so much arguments, misunderstanding which we never gave each other a chance to explain! But now, everything have really gone from bad to worst! How could we salvage it? Like now, what you're doing is right? Going out with your friends, ignoring my messages totally.. You think that is correct? NO! Its all a piece of shit! You don't even know where the problem lies in! Did you try to find out? Did you try to understand? No, you did not. Maybe you think what you're doing now is correct. But, I'm sorry you are wrong. Because you broke my heart - a man should never allow his woman to feel sad, or cry for him.
I didn't expect things to go wayward. Its all beyond our control.
You took me for granted. You took everything for granted.. Its enough now, I could no longer tolerate..

I am sorry, I did not expect I could write things about you like these. You forced me to, you never explained yourself, you always made mejump to conclusion. But now, I just hope for a call from you.. However, you told me to back off. You'd rather me to be left all alone suffering than taking some time out with your friends to explain things to me.
I always hoped for an explanation from you, but you just refused to.


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