Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Broken, but still..

Alright, I'm back after a long day. I feel busy today! ):

School wasn't that fantastic alright, it started out cold and then warm.
Only thing that cheered me up was that I got a B for my English P2! Hope P1 won't pull me down urgh!
And all the subject that I failed was at E8! No longer F9! At least I improved a grade, ^^
Okay, but there are still rooms for improvement.

Busy day. Thankfully, the rest of my days this week would be packed with alot of events! HAHAHHAH. Damn happy, no need to fret on what to do to keep myself busy. ^^

And the half of my day was spent emo-ing again. I know I should not do that, its bad. But..normal to feel sad still right? ):

Starting, no matter how much the guy tells you how much he loves you and how much he's afraid of leaving you or you leaving him. How much he want this relationship to be the last he ever had, and how much he wanted to marry you - its all a lie, ladies.
Don't be that stupid fool to trust every single word your lover said. Love is blind, love is stupid.
After everything, when he don't love you anymore, there's nothing you could do in persuading/convincing/forcing him to get back to the relationship you all once ever had.
Just one word is enough to break your heart or tear both of you apart - just one word is enough to replace all the time you both had ever spent together, its enough to replace the memories, the love, the everything you both once had. I will bear in mind, I'll be wary of guys from now on. They're the most dangerous creatures and their words are the most powerful weapon to break.your.heart.
Mine is broken now, it takes time to heal. I still miss him alot, but after thinking what I had did for him, I smiled to myself. Everything I did, is enough. Enough.

From now on, I won't be that little woman of yours. I won't be there to wipe your mouth or sweat when they're dirty or wet. I won't be waking up at 5am to cook you porridge when you're sick and send it to your house. I won't be worrying about you having your meal yet or not. I won't be worried about your safety when you're out at night. I won't be there for you anymore even when your world tumbles down. I'll be selfish.
Everything I did for you, is enough. I tell myself now to treat myself a thousand, millionth times better than they way I treat you.

Don't be sad anyway. This is your choice, your decision to let go of me and this relationship. Perhaps right from the start I was wrong, I misinterpreted you. You only said you wanted a long term relationship. Yes, long relationship but not a real love. All the while you wanted was not what you had. Now I finally understood.
Hope when you're all ready for a real love, you'll totally devote yourself on the girl you love. Not forsaking her because of your friends, not ignoring her calls and messages when she's worried about you. Not assuring her with messages that you don't really mean it.
You should care about her, love her more than she do. That's what a girl truly deserves - to be loved. I wasn't loved by you, all the while, maybe.
All the best. My no longer Baby, and my current ex boyfriend.


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