Thursday, March 11, 2010

So yesterday was a hectic day for me. Ended school late, on top of that, still had extra lessons for chemistry. Rushed home and headed to NP with Baby to hand in his form, cabbed there as he was worried the office would be closed.
When we reached there, everything was settled in less than 10minutes. 2hours+ journey back to Tampines and I headed to tuition. No time for breaks at all, 2 hours later lessons ended and Mom sent me home. Had Mac for dinner. Did homework, slept only at 1145pm.
So my day yesterday was rush, did not have my lunch and only had dinner @ 10pm.

Today, however was on the contrary. Everything today was going on slow and smoothly. School ended early, headed home for a good rest as I spent my entire week by sleeping late.
Was unable to have lunch as I was too, too tired.
Slept from 2 till 7. Awesome nap without any disturbance, except for that my sis shouted "Why she sleep open mouth so big?!" I heard that clearly even though I was in deep sleep.
Now I'm all done with a refreshing shower. Homework would be next.
Anyway when I broke the news to Baby that ethan(sis's bf) was hospitalized, he was so shocked!! HAHAH, anyway heard from my sis, he is fine now. Hopefully..

And I got my money all ready to get Baby's 19th birthday present! Wakakak!


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