Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Today was a fairytale

Yes! As quoted from XX, affirmations do work! It work like wonders to me n_n
Hectic life for me both in school and out of school.
But well, at least happiness is back to me again. Thanks for people who showed concern to me, but our relationship is going on fine now. And I'll try to STOP picking up a fight anymore. I promise.
So well, I love today although time spent with my boy wasn't very long. But I had enough. Just enough to make me satisfied (:
Hey, I miss her.
Yes. I do miss my best friend. But are we best friends now? Anyway if you happen to read this, I just wanna tell you that 3 years spent with you was wonderful and full of colours. You're always there when I needed you.
Many people around me have told me not to give up on this friendship, and it did crossed my mind too. But, its better to leave it alone than trying to piece it back again right? I don't want either of us to feel awkward or hurt.
Thus, you need to move on with your life, carry on making new friends don't stop till you found one that is 10x better than me. And so will I.
When you miss me, just think about the jokes and funny faces I used to do. And so will I.
All e best to you and me.


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