Monday, May 3, 2010

If love is blind, I would have overlooked your flaws.

Right now, typing these I should be feeling so much better compared to yesterday.
Yeah, sometimes the word 'breakup' just comes into my mind.
As in breakup = end of pain.
But, I still don't have the courage to do so.. Like, I'm still loving him but I just can't tolerate the way he treats me, sometimes.
Sigh, he's good in some ways. He never makes me worried about him flirting or hanging out with other girls. Like even when he goes clubbing, I feel secured because I know he isn't that type of person who will dance around or exchange numbers with sluts. That, I'm very sure.

But, he just can't give me the feeling of being loved. Or is this how a year relationship should feel like? As in the love had already died down, not as strong, as passionate as the past? I don't know sometimes..

But today I had a chat with one of my friend.. He kept discouraging me being with my boyfriend. But unknowingly, I somehow defended my boyfriend or maybe I defended our relationship. I told him this "I believe in this world there won't be any relationship without quarrels and changes." Which then, I find it so true..
Some may say I'm contradicting myself.. But, isn't this true? Have you ever been in or came across any relationship that have no quarrelling? Maybe some relationship that lasted for like 2days, that maybe there won't be any quarrels, except for the breakup part?

Well, this is getting me no where.. I should do something about it.


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