Sunday, May 2, 2010

It is damn saddening that the one you love most are actually the one that breaks your heart constantly.

Its been a year and 2 months. We've spent a long time together, 400 over days. I've fought so hard to be with you. I've fought till the end, even with many obstacles in front.
Even myself, I've fought with myself I went against my mind because my heart is taking too much control. Ending up, I got myself hurt.

When I first got to know you, my hair was short and I'm on extensions. Then when we got together, I took out my extensions and my hair was still short. Now a year have past, my hair grew longer, so much longer than before. But just like my hair, we're never like before anymore. Never.

No one understand how I feel deep down, not even you.


Blogger Kumiko Hayler said...

I can't say i understand how you feel, but i feel what you feel at times. C'mon cheer up girl, stay strong babe. :) Jiayou!

May 3, 2010 at 6:17 AM  
Blogger Jiaying said...

Thanks for the encouragement, I'll be strong. (:

May 3, 2010 at 11:53 AM  

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